Newcastle Living Magazine

Edition 10

Fremantle Octopus

Fremantle Octopus over charcoal with Chorizo Romesco.


500g Fremantle octopus hands (or any large octopus)
2 Chorizo Sausages
4 Eschalotes
100g Roasted Capsicum
100ml Good quality red wine vinegar
100ml Olive oil
2 Labneh balls
1 French breakfast radish
2 Bay leaves
8 Black peppercorns
Pinch Smoked paprika
Pinch Sea salt



  1. Place octopus into a small baking dish or chaussure, cover with olive oil and red wine vinegar, add bay leaves and peppercorns, add a good pinch of sea salt.
  2. Turn the oven to high (180 degrees) and place the baking tray of occy into the oven, making sure to cover over the baking dish or use a chassure lid.
  3. Cook for 40 mins on high, then drop heat to 120 degrees for 1 hr.
  4. Remove from the oven making sure to leave the lid on until completely cooled. 


  1. Saute off eschalot until golden in olive oil, add diced chorizo, pinch of paprika, deglaze with a splash of red wine vinegar.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and place ingredients into a powerful food processor.
  3. Add roasted peppers and blend till smooth.

Dish Construction

  1. Bbq the octopus over charcoal for about 4-5 mins on each side.
  2. Place some warm romesco sauce onto plate and place cooked octopus on top.
  3. Add pieces of tart tangy labneh cheese and fine shaved radish.
  4. Finish by adding the labneh balls.
  5. Grab a lovely fresh light white wine to drink and enjoy!
Fremantle Octopus

Menu made by …

Tony Harrison

Tony Harrison
Head Chef at Harrison’s